Useful Links (Back to Joe Strzalka's home page)


University of Pennsylvania
Penn library
Laboratory for Research on the Structure of Matter
Nano/Bio Interface Center

Z Magazine
Mother Jones
TomPaine.common sense
Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
Common Dreams
Beat the Press, Dean Baker's blog
Michael Moore
The New York Times on the Web
Philadelphia's City Paper Interactive

Web goodies

Penn webmail
protein explorer
my Penn homepage on the facstaff server


Department of Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania
Computer Facilities for the Department of Chemistry at Penn
Multi-Angle X-ray Scattering Facility, LRSM, U. Pennsylvania (schedule)
NIST homepage
NIST Center for Neutron Research
NIST Biomolecular Materials
Argonne National Lab
Advanced Photon Source
Brookhaven National Lab
Brookhaven x-ray scattering group
National Synchrotron Light Source
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The Spallation Neutron Source
The SNS Portal (requires XCAMS login)
Center for Nanophase Materials Science at Oak Ridge
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos Neutron Science Center
Avanti Polar Lipds, Inc.

X-Ray Scattering

X-ray server of Uppsala University Info on X-ray scattering factors and much more
Berekeley Lab's homepage for X-ray Interactions with Matter lots of useful data and constants, including the scattering factors of Henke, Gullikson and Davis
Periodic Table with Edge Energies
X-ray products, x-ray detector, x-ray analysis
Selected Offsite Information Sources
Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
SOLEIL Synchrotron, France
Diamond Light Source, UK

Neutron Scattering

The Spallation Neutron Source
Center for Nanophase Materials Science at Oak Ridge
Los Alamos Neutron Science Center

thesis and professional development

U. Penn. Career Services
UPenn Doctoral Thesis Style Files for LaTex as set up by Surge Ghosh.
BibTeX style files for American Chemical Society journals Thanks to Dave Bergeron for pointing these out to me!
Graduate Calendar for Degree Candidates -- long range tentative calendar
Graduate Calendar for Degree Candidates -- official version
Penn Doctoral Dissertation Manual
Penn Commencement
The All-But-Dissertation Survival Guide
Tomorrow's Professor Listserver Advice for beginning faculty, geared towards science and engineering.
Advice for developing scholars from Phil Agre, UCLA
Resources for Biomedical Graduate Studies Students at Penn This gateway site provides access to Science's Next Wave website.


The Internet Movie Database
County Theater, Doylestown Pa
Ritz Filmbill
NY Times Reviews of Current Movies
City Paper's movie listings for Philadelphia


Rob Toth
My~'s brother Tinh has a site promoting his exceptional acoustic guitar work and featuring family photos

Professional organizations

The American Physical Society
Division of Biological Physics
The APS's Forum on Physics and Society
The Biophysical Society
The American Chemical Society
The Materials Research Society
The Protein Society
The Union of Concerned Scientists

Polish stuff

The Sarmatian Review The most interesting publication about Polish-American and Central European culture I have found.
The Polish Cultural Institute set up by the Polish givernment to promote Polish cultural events in the US.
The Polish Music Center
American Council for Polish Culture
PLUS Journal of Polish American Affairs"
The Kosciuzko Foundation
  • Philadelphia Chapter of the Kosciuszko Foundation
  • Polish-American Cultural Center, 308 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA
    Polish Kaleidoscope offers news in Polish and English about Philadelphia Polonia.
    Information on Polish fonts, etc.
    Prof. Peter Bogucki Read about his fascinating archaeological digs in Poland.
    The Carpatho-Rusyn Knowledge Base Interesting stuff about the border region between Poland, Slovakia and the Ukraine.
    Polski Uniwersytet Ludowy hosts Polish-language lectures on a variety of subjects each academic year.
    The Pinkowski Institute Lots of stuff about Pulaski and other historical topics.
    The Polish Embassy in Washington, D. C. Lots of links to sites about Poland.

    Philadelphia and the region

    SEPTA routes and timetables
    City Paper Interactive
    Bucks County Visitors Information
    Pennsylvania State Parks
    The Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia
    Bicycle Club of Philadelphia
    Philadelphia Area Committee to Defend Health Care
    St. Agatha, St. James parish and outside of Philly: Mass Times
    The Committee of Seventy provides lots of useful information about City government and elections
    InfoResources West Philadelphia provides census and other demographic data for West Philly.
    Spruce Hill Community Association

    Participatory democracy

    NVRI: National Voting Rights Institute
    Public Citizen


    American Airlines

    Return to Joe Strzalka's home page.

    Useful Links / Revised January 2008 / send comments to joe