Bibliography: Maquette Peptides

The following represents an incomplete list of items about maquette peptides.


"Design and Synthesis of Multi-Haem Proteins," Dan E. Robertson, Ramy S. Farid, Christopher C. Moser, Jeffrey L. Urbauer, Stephen E. Mulholland, Ravindernath Pidikiti, James D. Lear, A. Joshua Wand, William F. DeGrado and P. Leslie Dutton, Nature, 368, 425-432, 1994.

"Toward the Synthesis of a Photosynthetic Reaction Center Maquette: A Cofacial Porphyrin Pair Assembled between Two Subunits of a Synthetic Four-Helix Bundle Multiheme Protein," Francesc Rabanal, William F. DeGrado, and P. Leslie Dutton,JACS, 118, 473-474, 1996.

"Design of a Unique Protein Scaffold for Maquettes," Brian R. Gibney, Francesc Rabanal, Jack J. Skalicky, A. Joshua Wand, and P. Leslie Dutton, JACS,119, 2323-2324, 1997.

"Global Topology and Stability and Local Structure and Dynamics in a Synthetic Spin-Labeled Four-Helix Bundle Protein," Brian R. Gibney, Jonas S. Johansson, Francesc Rabanal, Jack J. Skalicky, A. Joshua Wand, and P. Leslie Dutton, Biochemistry, 36(10), 2798-2806, 1997.

"A Designed Cavity in the Hydrophobic Core of a Four-alpha-Helix Bundle Improves Volatile Anesthetic Binding Affinity," Jonas S. Johansson, Brian R. Gibney, Francesc Rabanal, Konda S. Reddy, and P. Leslie Dutton, Biochemistry, 37, 1421-1429, 1998.

"Effect of Four Helix Bundle Topology on Heme Binding and Redox Properties," Brian R. Gibney, Francesc Rabanal, Konda S. Reddy, and P. Leslie Dutton, Biochemistry, 37, 4635-4643, 1998.

"A Native-Like Three-alpha-Helix Bundle Protein from Structure-Based Redesign: A Novel Maquette Scaffold," Jonas S. Johansson, Brian R. Gibney, Jack J. Skalicky, A. Joshua Wand, and P. Leslie Dutton, JACS, 120, 3881 -3886, 1988.

"Sequence-Specific Resonance Assignments for a Designed Four-alpha-Helix Bundle Protein," Jack J. Skalicky, R. J. Bieber, Brian R. Gibney, Francesc Rabanal, P. Leslie Dutton and A. Joshua Wand, Journal of Biological NMR, 11(2), 227-228, 1998.

Self-Assembled Monolayers of Synthetic Hemopeptides on Silanized Quartz," Denis L. Pilloud, Francesc Rabanal, Brian R. Gibney, Ramy S. Farid, P. Leslie Dutton and Christopher C. Moser, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 102, 1926-1937, 1998.

"Molecular Orientation of Langmuir-Blodgett Films of Designed Heme Protein and Lipoprotein Maquettes," Xiaoxi Chen, Christopher C. Moser, Denis L. Pilloud, and P. Leslie Dutton, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 102, 6425-6432, 1998.

"Functionalized de Novo Designed Proteins: Mechanism of Proton Coupling to Oxidation/Reduction in Heme Protein Maquettes," Julia M. Shifman, Christopher C. Moser, William A. Kalsbeck, David F. Bocian, and P. Leslie Dutton Biochemistry 37, 16815-16827, 1998.

"Differential Binding of Iron(III) and Zinc(II) Protoporphyrin IX to Synthetic Four-Helix Bundles," R. Eryl Sharp, James R. Diers, David F. Bocian and P. Leslie Dutton JACS, 120, 7103-7104, 1998.

Design, synthesis, and characterization of a photoactivatable flovocytochrome molecular maquette, R. Eryl Sharp, Christopher C. Moser, Francesc Rabanal, and P. Leslie Dutton PNAS, 95, 10465-10470, 1998.

"Characterization of the Fundamental Protein Ligand Requirements of [4Fe-4S]2+/+ Clusters with Sixteen Amino Acid Maquettes," S. E. Mulholland, B. R. Gibney, F. Rabanal, and P. L. Dutton JACS 120(40), 10296-10302.

"Solution Structure of a Designed Four-Alpha-Helix Bundle Maquette Scaffold," Jack J. Skalicky, Brian R. Gibney, Francesc Rabanal, Ramona J. Bieber Urbauer, P. Leslie Dutton and A. Joshua Wand, JACS, 121, 4941-4951, 1999.

"Iterative Protein Redesign," Brian R. Gibney, Francesc Rabanal, Jack J. Skalicky, A. Joshua Wand and P. Leslie Dutton, JACS, 121, 4952-4960, 1999.

"De Novo Proteins as Models of Radical Enzymes," Cecilia Tommos, Jack J. Skalicky, Denis L. Pilloud, A. Joshua Wand, and P. Leslie Dutton, Biochemistry, 38, 9495-9507, 1999.

Determination of Nonligand Amino Acids Critical to [4Fe-4S]2+/+ Assembly in Ferredoxin Maquettes," Stephen E. Mulholland, Brian R. Gibney, Francesc Rabanal, and P. Leslie Dutton, Biochemistry, 38, 10442-10448.

"Engineering Oriented Heme Protein Maquette Monolayers through Surface Residue Charge Distribution Patterns," Xiaoxi Chen, Christopher C. Moser, Denis L. Pilloud, Brian R. Gibney, and P. Leslie Dutton, J. Phys. Chem. B , 103, 47-52, 1999.

"Self-Assembly of Heme A and Heme B in a Designed Four-Helix Bundle: Implications for a Cytochrome c Oxidase Maquette," Brian R. Gibney, Yasuhiro Isogai, Francesc Rabanal, Konda S. Reddy, Anne M. Grosset, Christopher C. Moser, and P. Leslie Dutton, Biochemistry, 39, 11041-11049, 2000.

"Heme Redox Potential Control in de novo Designed Four-Alpha-Helix Bundle Proteins," J. M. Shifman, B. R. Gibney, R. E. Sharp and P. L. Dutton, Biochemistry, 39, 14813-14821, 2000.

"Determination of the Porphyrin Orientation Distribution in Langmuir Monolayers by Polarized Epifluorescence," A. Tronin, J. Strzalka, X. Chen, P. L. Dutton and J. K. Blasie, Langmuir, 16, 9878-9886, 2000.

"X-ray Scattering Studies of Maquette Peptide Monolayers. 1. Reflectivity and Grazing Incidence Diffraction at the Air/Water Interface," Joseph Strzalka, Xiaoxi Chen, Christopher C. Moser, P. Leslie Dutton, Benjamin M. Ocko, and J. Kent Blasie, Langmuir, 16, 10404-10418.

"X-ray Scattering Studies of Maquette Peptide Monolayers. 2. Interferometry at the Vapor/Solid Interface," Joseph Strzalka, Xiaoxi Chen, Christopher C. Moser, P. Leslie Dutton, John C. Bean, and J. Kent Blasie, Langmuir, 17, 1193-1199.

" Distributions of the Di-alpha-helical Synthetic Peptide ZnPPIX-BBC16 in Langmuir Monolayers by X-ray Reflectivity and Polarized Epifluorescence," A. Tronin, J. Strzalka, X. Chen, P. L. Dutton, B. M. Ocko, and J. K. Blasie, Langmuir, 17, 3061-3066, 2001.

"De novo Design and Synthesis of Heme Proteins," B. R. Gibney and P. L. Dutton, Adv. Inorg. Chem., 51, 409-455, 2001.

"Proof of Principle in a De novo Designed Protein Maquette: An Allosterically Regulated, Charge-Activated Conformational Switch in a Tetra- Alpha-Helix Bundle," Anne M. Grosset, Brian R. Gibney, Francesc Rabanal, Christopher C. Moser, and P. Leslie Dutton, Biochemistry, 40, 5474-5487.

"Hydrophobic Modulation of Heme Properties in Heme Protein Maquettes," Brian R. Gibney, Steve S. Huang, Jack J. Skalicky, Ernesto J. Fuentes, A. Joshua Wand, and P. Leslie Dutton, Biochemistry, 40 10550-10561.

"Role of Aromatic Side Chains in the binding of Volatile General anesthetics to a Four-Alpha-Helix Bundle," Gavin A. Manderson and Jonas J. Johansson, Biochemistry, 41 4080-4087.

"Structure of a de novo designed protein model of radical enzymes," Q. H. Dai, C. Tommos, E. J. Fuentes, M. R. A. Blomberg, P. L. Dutton and A. J. Wand, JACS 124(37), 10952-10953.

"Folding of a de novo Designed Native-like Four-helix Bundle Protein," Alex Chapeaurouge, Jonas J. Johansson and Sergio T. Ferreira, Journal of Biological Chamistry, 277 16478-16483.

" Assembly of a Vectorially Oriented Four-Helix Bundle at the Air/Water Interface via Directed Electrostatic Interactions," S. Ye, J. Strzalka, X. Chen, C. C. Moser, P. L. Dutton, and J. K. Blasie, Langmuir, 19, 1515-1521.

" De Novo Design of a Cytochrome b Maquette for Electron Transfer and Coupled Reactions on Electrodes," X. Chen, B. M. Discher, D. L. Pilloud, B. R. Gibney, C. C. Moser, P. L. Dutton,J. Phys. Chem. B 106, 617-624. with Addendum, p 2812.

" X-Ray Structure of a Maquette Scaffold," S. S. Huang, B. R. Gibney, S. E. Stayrook, P. L. Dutton, M. Lewis, J. Mol. Biol., 326 1219-1225.

"Hydrophillic to amphiphilic design in redox protein maquettes," B. M. Discher, R. L. Koder, C. C. Moser and P. L. Dutton, Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 7 741-748.

"Amphiphilic 4-Helix Bundles Designed for Biomolecular Materials Applications," Shixin Ye, Joseph W. Strzalka, Bohdana M. Discher, Dror Noy, Songyan Zheng, P. Leslie Dutton, and J. Kent Blasie, Langmuir, 20, 5897-5904 (2004).

"De novo design of a D-2-symmetrical protein that reproduces the diheme four-helix bundle in cytochrome bc(1)," G. Ghirlanda, A. Osyczka, W. X. Liu, M. Antolovich, K. M. Smith, P. L. Dutton, A. J. Wand, W. F. DeGrado JACS, 126 8141-8147.

The HP-1 maquette: From an apoprotein structure to a structured hemoprotein designed to promote redox-coupled proton exchange," S. S. Huang, R. L. Koder, M. Lewis M, A. J. Wand, P. L. Dutton PNAS, 101 5536-5541.

"A Model Membrane Protein for Binding Volatile Anesthetics," Shixin Ye, Joseph Strzalka, Inna Y. Churbanova, Songyan Zheng, Jonas S. Johansson, and J. Kent Blasie Biophys. J., 87 4065-4074.

"Specular neutron reflectivity and the structure of artificial protein maquettes vectorially oriented at interfaces," Joseph Strzalka, Brian R. Gibney, Sushil Satija, J. Kent Blasie, Phys. Rev. E 70: 061905 (2004).


"Amphiphilic Four-Helix Bundle Peptides Designed for Light-Induced Electron Transfer across a Soft Interface," S. Ye, B. M. Discher, J. Strzalka, T. Xu, S. P. Wu, D. Noy, I. Kuzmenko, T. Gog, M. J. Therien, P. L. Dutton and J. K. Blasie, Nano Letters 5(9): 1658-1667 (2005).

"Design of Amphiphilic Protein Maquettes: Controlling Assembly, Membrane Insertion, and Cofactor Interactions," B. M. Discher, D. Noy, J. Strzalka, S. Ye, C. C. Moser, J. D. Lear, J. K. Blasie, and P. L. Dutton, Biochemistry, 44(37): 12329-12343 (2005).

"Design of Amphiphilic Protein Maquettes: Enhancing Maquette Functionality through Binding of Extremely Hydrophobic Cofactors to Lipophilic Domains," D. Noy, B. M. Discher, I. V. Rubtsov, R. M. Hochstrasser, P. L. Dutton, Biochemistry, 44(37): 12344-12354.

"Design of a minimal polypeptide unit for bacteriochlorophyll binding and self-assembly based on photosynthetic bacterial light-harvesting proteins," D. Noy and P. L. Dutton, Biochemistry, 45(7): 2103-2113.

"Monolayers of a Model Anesthetic-Binding Membrane Protein. Formation, Characterization and Halothane-Binding Affinity," Inna Y Churbanova, Andrey Tronin, Joseph Strzalka, Thomas Gog, Ivan Kuzmenko, Jonas S Johansson and J. Kent Blasie, Biophys. J. 90(9): 3255-3266.

"Incorporation of Designed Extended Chromophores into Amphiphilic 4-Helix Bundle Peptides for Nonlinear Optical Biomolecular Materials," Ting Xu, Sophia P. Wu, Ivan Miloradovic, Michael J. Therien and J. Kent Blasie, Nano Letters: 6 2387-2394.

"Structural Studies of Amphiphilic 4-Helix Bundle Peptides Incorporating Designed Extended Chromophores for Nonlinear Optical Biomolecular Materials," Joseph Strzalka, Ting Xu, Andrey Tronin, Sophia P. Wu, Ivan Miloradovic, Ivan kuzmenko, Thomas Gog, Michael J. Therien and J. Kent Blasie, Nano Letters: 6 2395-2405.

"3-D Structure and Dynamics of a de novo Designed, Amphiphilic Metallo-Porphyrin-Binding Protein Maquette at Soft Interfaces by Molecular Dynamics Simulations," Hongling Zou, Joseph Strzalka, Ting Xu, Andrey Tronin, J. Kent Blasie, J. Phys. Chem. B: in press.

"Single-Residue Sensitivity in Neutron Reflectivity and Resonant X-ray Reflectivity from Langmuir Monolayers of Synthetic Peptides," Joseph Strzalka, Sushil Satija, Elaine DiMasi, Ivan Kuzmenko, Thomas Gog and J. Kent Blasie, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Montreal, Canada, March, 2004 (22-26 March 2004, Session: X-ray and Neutron Reflectivity Studies of Thin Films of Biophysical Interest).

"Resonance X-ray Reflectivity to Probe the Profile Structure of Langmuir Monolayers of Lipids and Peptides," Joseph Strzalka, Elaine DiMasi, Ivan Kuzmenko, Thomas Gog and J. Kent Blasie, Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Baltimore, MD, February, 2004 (17 Feb 2004, Platform Session AS: X-ray Analysis of Membrane Structure, 10:45-12:45 AM).

"Assembly of a Vectorially-Oriented Four-Helix Bundle at the Air/Water Interface," Joseph Strzalka, S. Ye, A. Tronin, X. Chen, C.C. Moser, P.L. Dutton, B.M. Ocko and J.K. Blasie, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Indianapolis, Indiana, March 2002.

"Neutron Reflectivity Can Probe the Secondary Structure of Selectively Deuterated Peptides in a Langmuir Monolayer," Joseph Strzalka, B. R. Gibney, X. Chen, C. C. Moser, P. L. Dutton, S. K. Satija, B. M. Ocko, J. K. Blasie, Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, New Orleans, LA, February 2000 (Biophysical Journal 78, No. 1, pt. 2, Abstract 1924).

"Porphyrin Ring Orientation in Langmuir-Blodgett Monolayers of the Metalloprotein Maquette BBC16," Andrey Tronin, J. Strzalka, L. R. Kneller, X. Chen, J. K. Blasie, P. L. Dutton, Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, New Orleans, LA, February 2000 (Biophysical Journal 78, No. 1, pt. 2, Abstract 1681)

"X-Ray Reflectivity Studies of Mixed Langmuir Monolayers of a Lipopeptide Maquette and a Phospholipid," J. Strzalka, X. Chen, B. R. Gibney, C. C. Moser, P. L. Dutton, B. M. Ocko, J. K. Blasie, Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Baltimore, MD, February 1999 (Biophysical Journal 76, No. 1, pt. 2, A18, Su.-AM-I1).

"Structural Studies of Model Metalloprotein Maquettes Vectorially Oriented at a Soft Interface," J. Strzalka, X. Chen, C. C. Moser, P. L. Dutton, B. M. Ocko, J. K. Blasie, Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Kansas City, MO, February 1998 (Biophysical Journal 74, No. 2, pt. 2, A236, W.-PM-D2).

"Structural Studies of Model Metalloprotein Maquettes Vectorially-Oriented at the Air/Water Interface," J. Strzalka, X. Chen, C. C. Moser, P. L. Dutton, B. M. Ocko, J. K. Blasie, Annual Experimental Progress Summary for Beamline X22B, National Synchrotron Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (1997-1998). Available in two formats: postscript or pdf (requires Adobe Acroread viewer).

"De Novo Design and Structural Characterization of Proteins and Metalloproteins," William F. DeGrado, Christopher M. Summa, Vincenzo Pavone, Flavia Nastri, and Angela Lombardi, Annual Reviews of Biochemistry, 68, 779-819, 1999.

"Natural engineering principles of electron tunnelling in biological oxidation-reduction," C. C. Page, C. C. Moser, X. Chen, P. L. Dutton, Nature, 402, 47-52, 04 Nov 1999.

RELATED MATERIAL: MEMBRANE PROTEINS AND DE NOVO DESIGNED MEMBRANE PEPTIDES, Selected refernces with links to full text of articles

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Maquette peptide bibliography / Revised December 2001 / send comments to