This job description was created and advertised about April, 1998. I'm posting it here solely to provide more information about my background. -- Joe

University of Pennsylvania
Center for Technology Transfer

Job Description - Marketing Associate
Student Intern Part Time Position

The Marketing Associate (MA) serves a critical function in the technology transfer process by matching promising technologies with companies that would be able to successfully commercialize these technologies. To accomplish this task, the MA will assist the Director of Licensing Physical Sciences to:

In addition, the Marketing Associate will have an opportunity to work with the professional staff at CTT to:

Qualifications: The MA must have a strong technical background to understand, evaluate and discuss candidate technologies. In addition, the successful MA will demonstrate objectivity, creativity and independence in determining the commercial potential of a technology, exploring a variety of avenues to assess the marketplace's receptivity to the technology, and developing and executing a marketing strategy for any given technology. Lastly, to accomplish the objectives of this position, the MA should have the technical and personal self-confidence to sell technologies to a variety of personalities.

If interested, send resume with cover letter expressing interest to Sandy Scheibe, Manager of Marketing, Center for Technology Transfer, Suite 300, 3700 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-3147.

Return to Joe Strzalka's hypertext resume.

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CTT Internship / Revised 08 September 98 / send comments to