
The following represents an incomplete list of items about anomalous, or resonance, small angle x-ray scattering, with an emphasis on biological systems (proteins).

EMBL Biological Small-Angle Scattering Group led by Prof. Svergun. With shareware to download for calculating/analyzing/processing SAXS data.


"SASSIM: a method for calculating small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering and the associated molecular envelope from explicit-atom models of solvated proteins," F. Merzel and J. C. Smith, Acta Cryst D 58:242-249.


Configuration of the Four Iron Atoms in Dissolved Human Hemoglobin as Studied by Anomalous Dispersion," H. B. Stuhrmann and H. Notbohm PNAS 78 6216-6220.

Return to Joe Strzalka's research page.

anomalous SAXS / November 2005 / send comments to